The Alloy School: OPEN HOUSE
KST Presents
In participation of Remake Learning Days Across America!
Saturday, May 15, 9:00am – 12:00pm
Join us on Zoom!
The Alloy School: OPEN HOUSE is a one Saturday experience that will immerse dancers of all levels in the inspiring world of dance with fundamental techniques, creativity, and fun in a non-competitive environment. As we navigate new ways to connect during the pandemic, this is the perfect time to reconnect with how we express, celebrate, explore and transform through dance. Dancers will embody a sense of joy, clarity and community during the dance session.
We invite all participants to pick and choose from our range of classes at The Alloy School. Each class runs between 55 – 75 minutes including warm-up, choreography and creative movement. All classes will be held on Zoom until further notice. All participants should wear comfortable clothing that allows for stretching and free movement.
The Alloy School is made possible with support from The Grable Foundation and is relaunched in collaboration with PearlArts as part of the PearlArts @ KST Mutual-Aid Residency. The Alloy School embraces an open learning environment for people of all races, sexualities, and gender expressions.
This event is in participation of Remake Learning Days Across America (RLDAA), a celebration of innovative experiences and opportunities for youth to develop their sense of creativity, perseverance and curiosity. Remake Learning Days is a festival of events hosted by a variety of organizations, such as schools, museums, libraries, after-school organizations, early child care centers, universities, media centers, tech startups and more. These events are designed to be hands-on, relevant and engaging educational experiences for youth of all ages (pre-K through high school) and their families, caregivers and educators. The majority of events are free and open to kids of all ages. Read more here.
Creative Movement / Hip-Hop (ages 3-6) 9:00am – 9:45am
Class will begin with a short visual meditation followed by movement games and prompts to inspire imagination. The second half will be a Hip-Hop class with instruction in Freeze, Crabwalk, and basic footwork, culminating in a freestyle. Instructed by Joy-Marie Thompson.
Ballet (ages 7-12) 9:00am – 9:55am
This class will put a fun spin on a traditional Ballet format. With a focus on posture and body alignment, exercises will be added to help strengthening and stretching. Center movement and small combinations will be added as the class progresses. Instructed by Chandler Bingham
Capoeira (all ages) 10:00am – 10:55am
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art disguised as a dance and performed to musical instruments and traditional Brazilian songs. Training Capoeira helps to enrich cultural perspective, and illustrates the importance of music, art, and movement in history and in social change. Instructed by José Pérez IV.
Jazz / Contemporary (ages 7-12) 10:00am – 10:55am
This class will focus on the fundamentals of Jazz and Contemporary dance technique, following upbeat rhythms and style while developing strength and flexibility. Fun combinations will be created by utilizing upper body movement, floor work, and turns. Instructed by Chandler Bingham.
Vogue Styles (all ages) 11:00am – 11:55am
Vogue Styles presents the fundamentals of vogue dancing and classic runway. Each class will incorporate contemporary movements, targeting core strength, grace, clean lines, balance, and control. Students will learn how to incorporate key hand and body movements with popping, dipping, and spinning. Instructed by Tinky.
West African (all ages) 11:00am – 12:00pm
This class will guide you through the fundamentals of traditional West African dance, with an emphasis on drums and accompanying drum rhythms. Classes start with a warm-up, followed by a sequence of movements across the floor. Instructed by Chrisala Brown.
The Alloy School is a collaboration with PearlArts with support from The Grable Foundation as part of the PearlArts @ KST Mutual Aid Residency.