Tickets & Events

A Conversation on Arts and Community Values

KST Presents

Wednesday / April 18, 2018
4:00pm – 6:00pm / Kelly Strayhorn Theater
5941 Penn Ave :: Map

Sparked by the installation, “There are Black People in the Future,” by artist Alisha B. Wormsley, KST hosts a conversation about public art, and its relationship to us as individuals and communities.
The installation an artwork, specifically one in a gentrifying community, raises important and difficult questions of power, diversity and community values. For over nine years KST has been an activist presenting organization committed to bridging cultural, racial and socioeconomic barriers. We created this forum because we believe in fair and equitable development in East Liberty and we will ask the following questions:
What do we find shocking? Offensive? Whose voices are projected in our common spaces? And, why?
Join KST Executive Director, janera solomon as she hosts Jon Rubin, curator of The Last Billboard Project, and Pittsburgh artist and curator Alisha B. Wormsley, for what will undoubtedly be a passionate conversation about the role art, specifically public art, plays in our communities.
This event is free and open to the general public. Live streaming services are generously provided by our community partners at Public Source.


