slowdanger, De-Mystifying the Box
KST Presents

Sunday, April 24, 2022
12:00pm – 2:00pm
KST’s Alloy Studios | 5530 Penn Ave
Pay What Moves You: $15-30
De-Mystifying the Box is a five-part open level movement workshop and dialogue series exploring the embodied and emotional impacts of the climate crisis. Within this workshop, slowdanger will engage participants in creative process frameworks and somatic experiences to sense deeper into the micro-ecosystems of our bodies. We will use groove, effort, awareness modalities, and authentic movement to move collectively for 1.5 hours. The final half hour will be used to engage in a collective dialogue process surrounding the themes of slowdanger’s forthcoming evening-length dance piece, SUPERCELL and the local impacts of the climate crisis on our Pittsburgh community. The class will have a maximum capacity of 20 students.
Don’t miss a single workshop! The final workshop is Sunday, May 15, 2022.
Photo Credit: Paul Kruse
slowdanger is a Pittsburgh based, multidisciplinary performance entity founded in 2013 by co-artistic directors taylor knight and anna thompson. They use electronic instrumentation, vocalization and choreographic, improvisational and contemporary dance/performance frameworks to create work at the intersection of movement, sound and technology. Their performance work largely centers the body and researches its relationship to other bodies, the environment, sensory information, technology and the unknown/unknowable. The name, slowdanger, was inspired by the road signs that signify a demolition of old surfaces to build upon the remnants. They continue to return to this overarching concept cyclically in performance creation; rebuilding, slowing down to examine the remains and re-imagine new futures. slowdanger’s performance work has been featured across the United States and Canada in venues ranging from proscenium theaters and galleries to nightclubs and dive bars. From directing music videos to scoring plays, slowdanger transforms its shape to adapt to a variety of different containers. They use sound as a physical extension of their bodily practices, to further embody and connect with their audience. More info at
Photo credit: Anita Buzzy Prentiss